Healthy chocolate nice-cream recipe


Love chocolate icecream but do not love the guilt that comes with eating it?

I have the perfect recipe for you!

It’s so easy to make and only uses 3 ingredients!

It also dairy-free, sugar-free and gluten-free, so it’s the perfect treat for everyone.

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Chocolate nice-cream

(Serves 1)

All you need is:

2 bananas

1 tbs cacao powder

1-2 tbs non-dairy milk of choice

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All you need to do is:

  1. Peel, chop and freeze the bananas for a few hours or overnight

2. Once frozen, place in blender and blend until a smooth, creamy, icecream consistency. You may need to stop the blender and stir the mixture a couple times during the process

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3. Add cacao powder and blend for a few more seconds until well combined

4. Scoop in to a bowl and enjoy 😊

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You could also mix in peanut butter, cacao nibs, or crushed nuts.



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