14 things I do every day to improve my life

1. Wake up early

I feel more productive and refreshed when I get up early. I even set an alarm most weekends so I don’t sleep in too much. If I sleep past 8:30am, I feel like the day is already half over.

2. Drink a glass of lemon water

Each morning I start my day my drinking a big glass of lemon water. It makes me feel so hydrated and it gives me energy to kickstart my day! Benefits of drinking lemon water.


3. Write a to-do list

Writing down everything I need to remember to do for the day ensures that my day goes smoothly, and getting everything out of my head and written down helps me to stress less.

4. Check my inbox

I hate when my inbox gets too full, so each day I check my emails and read the important ones and delete the rest.

5. Apply my favourite perfume

Spritzing myself with some beautiful perfume instantly makes me feel so much better. When I smell good, I feel good.


6. Eat healthy

Eating healthy is super important to me as I believe your diet plays a major role in how you feel physically and mentally. I eat about 5 serves of veggies and about 4 serves of fruit each day. I also include plenty of protein and healthy fats in my diet. I try to avoid processed and packaged foods as much as possible. I start each day with a big smoothie bowl packed with heaps of fruit and it makes me feel so good and energized, ready to start the day! A healthy diet starts with a healthy fridge! Click here to find out what I keep in my fridge.

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7. Drink plenty of water

I make sure I drink at least 2 liters of water each so I stay super hydrated! Drinking plenty of water also makes my skin feel so much better.

8. Exercise

I feel like crap on the days I do not exercise, so I try to exercise every single day. Most days I lift weights at the gym, but sometimes I prefer a long walk outside.

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9. Do laundry

I do one load of laundry each night so I can keep on top of my washing, which is such a good feeling!

10. Tidy the house before bed

I do not go to bed until the house in clean, because waking up in the morning to an untidy house would have to be the worst way to start the day. If I spend just half an hour cleaning and tidying each night my house always stays tidy.

11. Light a candle

Lighting a candle each night puts me in a releaxed mood.


12. Apply my favourite skincare products

Having a good skincare routine is so important to me. I actually look forward to washing off my make up and applying my favourite skincare products each night. A clean, fresh face makes me feel so good!

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13. Watch an episode of my current favourite TV show

This is my favourite thing to do right before going to sleep. It relaxes me and makes me feel super sleepy. Check out my previous blog post to see my favourite TV shows.

14. Kiss and cuddle my partner

Being cute and affectionate with my partner makes me feel loved and super happy!

 Thanks for reading guys!


4 thoughts on “14 things I do every day to improve my life

  1. Wendy says:

    Wow – that’s got to be the HEALTHIEST fridge I’ve ever seen! Probably why I’m struggling to lose weight and control diabetes so you definitely have a better control on your health than I did for many years and which I’m finally rectifying.. Better late than never!! I do love the lemon water to start the day! Thanks for liking my happiness tag post! x


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